How do new variants arise? A virus needs to evolve in order to evade the defences of its host. A virus evolves, replicates and spreads, by hijacking the reproductive system of a cell (of the host organism). It makes copies of itself, so that it can spread to other cells and other hosts. While making copies of itself, sometimes there are mistakes- like types known as mutations. Most of these mutations are useless for the virus.However , sometimes a mutation makes a virus better/stronger. One or more mutations give rise to new variants of a particular virus. Variants of Concern (VOC) are mutated types of coronavirus, which can cause one among : Increased transmission, A reduction in neutralising antibodies or Severe disease. How was the new variant detected? The Indian-origin double mutant strain of the coronavirus-the B. 1.167 was first detected on 5th October last year through genome sequencing of a virus sample. Its genome sequencing exercise slowed down between N...
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